The Eugenics Movement and The Hapsburgs, with Leah Felicity Lucci (episode 6)
It all comes back to the Hapsburgs! Illustrator and graphic designer Leah Felicity Lucci tells Val about her facinations with the genetic story of the Hapsburg royal family, and how that lead to a research hole about eugenics, racism, and anti-Semitism and inspired her sketchbook These are Not My Ancestors.
Hapsburg paintings, by Leah Felicity Lucci. All can be found on her instagram, @super_starling.
Here is an article in The Atlantic about the layered “erased” writing of monks in the Middle Ages. A palimpsest is a word for parchment on which the original writing has been effaced to make room for later writing but of which traces remain. Type that word into google image search for lots of examples.
Here is a brief overview of Mannerism. To view some examples of Mannerist art, search for The Vision of St. John or The Opening of the Fifth Seal by El Greco or Madonna with the Long Neck by Parmigianino
This is the illustration I described from Leah’s instagram, super_starling.
23&Me wrote a concise summary of the Habsburg inbreeding problem here.
White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America by Nancy Isenberg can be found wherever books are sold.
Not going to dignify David Eden Lane with a link but suffice it to say he was a piece of shit who died in prison after instigating and taking part in many crimes.
Here’s the graphic Leah described of a Jewish family tree. It dates back to the 1700s and you can look at how it changes in 1940.
These Are Not My Ancestors sketchbook project by Leah Felicity Lucci:
Remember Me: Displaced Children Archive via the Holocaust Museum: